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Assessment for Specific Learning Difficulty

A specific learning disorder is diagnosed when a child has a particular area of difficulty with their learning, despite a period of intervention to address it. 


A specific Learning Disorder in Reading (Dyslexia) is when a child has difficulties with their accuracy or fluency in reading, often impacting their comprehension. 


A Specific Learning disorder in Writing (Dysgraphia) is when a child has difficulty with writing conventions (spelling, grammar or sentence structure) or when they struggle to turn their thoughts into written language.


A Specific Learning Disorder in Mathematics (Dyscalculia) refers to a range of difficulties in understanding numbers, applying mathematical strategies or principles or difficulty solving mathematical problems.


An assessment for a Specific Learning Disorder will usually involve:

  • Consultation with parents

  • Consultation with the child's school when necessary

  • Review of developmental and learning history.

  • A cognitive assessment to understand strengths and weaknesses in the child's abilities.

  • An educational assessment to examine performance across reading, spelling, writing and mathematics. 

  • When needed, a behavioural assessment (Connors assessment) to investigate other reasons for child's challenges including screening for anxiety and AD/HD.


Approximate cost of $1800

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